Brian McElroy's Tutoring Blog

Page 468, number 18, Official Guide to the SAT.

Posted 2021-07-11

Below is an explanation one of the hardest math problems (p.468 #18) in the Official SAT Study Guide. Keep Reading

SAT Question of the Day: Test #3 Sec 3 Math NC #9

Posted 2021-07-11

"In the system of equations above, k is a constant and x and y are variables. For what value of k will the system of equations have no solution?" Keep Reading

March 2016 SAT Scores are now Available.

Posted 2021-07-11

We finally have scores from the first administration of the new SAT in March. Keep Reading

Upcoming Changes to the GMAT

Posted 2021-07-11

GMAC will be introducing a new "Integrated Reasoning" section to the GMAT in summer 2012. Keep Reading

GRE Vocabulary Mnemonics by Vince and Brian

Posted 2021-07-11

How to prepare yourself for the vocabulary portion of the GRE verbal. Keep Reading

We Write the Books on Test Prep.

Posted 2021-07-11

The best test-prep books are those written by true experts in their field. So I took it as a compliment when Barron's, one of the world's major book publishers, recruited me to edit their ACT prep materials (see attached letter). In fact, many of our tutors have helped write educational materials for test-prep companies all over the world. Keep Reading

GRE Official Guide - Question #1 page 47

Posted 2021-07-11

Brian explains a GRE Reading question. Keep Reading

SAT Question of the Day: Test #3, Sec 3 Math NC #12

Posted 2021-07-11

"In the quadratic equation above, a is a nonzero constant. The graph of the equation in the xy-plane is a parabola with vertex (c,d). Which of the following is equal to d ?" Keep Reading

Free SAT notes by Brian McElroy

Posted 2021-07-11

Hello everyone,
It’s been few weeks since I posted any free SAT tips, so I went ahead and made some copies of my recent SAT notes (in PDF format) for students and parents to peruse:
All of these explanations correspond to problems in the College Board’s Official Guide to the SAT. If you don’t have this book already, you should!
Soon we are thinking of implementing audio explanations as well, to accompany the visuals.
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Customized SAT and ACT progress reports now available for all McElroy Tutoring students

Posted 2021-07-11

McElroy Tutoring has been growing very quickly over the past few months, so suddenly I'm spending the majority of my weekday mornings and afternoons managing company policy, consulting with local parents, and directing our team of tutors. Then, of course, when the late afternoon/evening rolls around, it's time for private tutoring with my SAT, ACT, and college consulting students (I usually tutor from about 2:30 - 9:00 PM on weeknights, 11AM - 5PM on weekends). Finally, at night, I try to add to... Keep Reading

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