Brian McElroy's Tutoring Blog

SAT Writing Error: "You and I" vs. "You and me"

Posted 2021-07-11

Brian McElroy explains how to correctly use subject and object pronouns on the SAT Writing section. Keep Reading

SAT Writing Error: Comparison Errors

Posted 2021-07-11

Brian McElroy explains how to spot "comparison errors" on the SAT Writing section. Keep Reading

SAT Writing Error: Pronoun Ambiguity

Posted 2021-07-11

Brian McElroy explains how to spot ambiguous pronouns. Keep Reading

SAT Writing Error: Subject-Verb Agreement, Prepositional Phrases and Appositives

Posted 2021-07-11

Brian McElroy Explains how to use Prepositional Phrases and Appositives to help spot errors in subject-verb agreement. Keep Reading

Brian's Original SAT Critical Reading Tips

Posted 2021-07-11

Brian McElroy lays out his 6-step strategy for cracking the Critical Reading Section of the SAT. Keep Reading

Brian's Comma Rule for the SAT Writing Section

Posted 2021-07-11

Hello to those of you preparing for the upcoming March SAT.
I’ve got a particularly powerful SAT Writing technique for you today. I came up with this rule because my students were struggling to understand how to properly use commas, and were getting SAT Writing questions wrong as a result. This type of error occurs frequently in the Sentence Improvement subsection of the Writing section, which is the first of three subsections (the other two are Error IDs and Improving Paragraphs).<... Keep Reading

SAT Score Choice, and SAT vs. ACT: What Do the Recent Policy Changes Mean to You?

Posted 2021-07-11

Brian breaks down the recent SAT policy changes regarding Score Choice, and the implications for this year's high school sophomores and juniors. Keep Reading

McElroy Tutoring Earns an A+ from the BBB!

Posted 2021-07-11

McElroy Tutoring Inc. has recently been granted a rare "A+" rating by the Better Business Bureau. Keep Reading

May SAT scores now available online / Summer is Almost Upon Us

Posted 2021-07-11

Hello everyone, Wow, it’s been a long, eventful and exhilarating school year! When I first started tutoring the SAT 10 years ago, people thought of tutoring as a job for college kids looking for some extra pizza money, something you did to help your kid get his or her homework done more quickly. But over time, the tutoring profession is quickly becoming more and more respected as someting much more than that; it is now an essential part of the college-prep process. Parents finally seem to ... Keep Reading

SAT Scores of Brian McElroy's private tutoring students average over 2000 points

Posted 2021-07-11

I'm happy to announce that for the first time ever, my March SAT students have averaged a score of OVER 2000 on their final proctored SAT practice tests (using only REAL SATs) at the McElroy Tutoring main office!Congrats to everyone, and good luck on the real thing on Saturday.High scorers included scores of: 2250 (99th percentile)2160 (98th percentile)2120 (97th percentile)2080 (96th percentile)2070 (95th percentile)2000 (93rd percentile)-Brian... Keep Reading

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