Brian McElroy's Tutoring Blog
BREAKING: Class of 2022 National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist SI Cutoffs have leaked.Posted 2023-05-26 You read them here first. Now that semifinalist letters have been sent to principals and home schoolers, the Class of 2022 statewide Selection Index cutoffs (based off junior-year PSAT or alternate-entry SAT scores) for the National Merit Scholarship competition for all 50 US states—plus US Territories, US International, and Washington, D.C. aka District of Columbia—have officially leaked. Keep Reading |
What Makes A Great Tutor?Posted 2021-07-11 Brian explains what it takes to be a master tutor. Keep Reading |
Why Francis Parker Doesn't Want You to Know about MePosted 2022-09-26 Why Francis Parker high school doesn't want you to know about my tutoring services. Keep Reading |
New SAT Sample Essay & Links to All 6 Official SAT Essay TopicsPosted 2021-07-11 Brian has written a sample essay for the new SAT essay format (50 minutes), and provided links to all six currently available official essay questions and prompts for the new SAT. Keep Reading |
GMAT Data Sufficiency Strategy: Don't get sloppy when it's time to consider "C"Posted 2021-07-11 Brian discusses a common mistake on GMAT Data Sufficiency Questions. Keep Reading |
San Diego SAT & ACT Prep Courses Starting this August at McElroy TutoringPosted 2021-07-11 Brian McElroy will be offering a series of affordable SAT & ACT Prep Classroom Courses for San Diego high school students, starting 8/11/09 and continuing until June 2010. All classes and practice tests will be held at our Pacific Beach headquarters. Space is limited to 8 students per class. Keep Reading |
Grades 9-12: Test Prep and College Admissions InfoPosted 2021-07-11 A series of helpful links for students in Grades 9-12. Keep Reading |
Free SAT Prep Videos on YouTubePosted 2021-07-11 The McElroy Tutoring YouTube page for Free SAT Prep Videos has almost 20,000 views. Keep Reading |
SAT and ACT Prep Classes at McElroy Tutoring -- now just $675!Posted 2021-07-11 We are now offering SAT and ACT prep courses (minimum 4 students, maximum 12 students) at our San Diego headquarters for only $675. Sign up now to prepare for the September and October round of tests! Keep Reading |
Life is Like Test Prep.Posted 2021-07-11 Many of the same trials and tribulations we encounter on a daily basis have parallels in the world of test prep. Keep Reading |