Brian McElroy's Tutoring Blog
Too Busy to BlogPosted 2025-03-04 I know we've been a little light on the blog posts lately, but for good reason. Keep Reading |
Fractions and PercentagesPosted 2021-07-11
For those of you who have problems with fractions and percentages on the SAT, GRE, or GMAT, or those who encounter them daily at work (especially those of you whose jobs help change the world for the better!), I present you with some tips:MEMORIZE THE FOLLOWING COMMONLY USED FRACTIONS (AND THEIR CORRESPONDING DECIMALS FOR CALCULATOR USERS): |
What makes a great tutor?Posted 2021-07-11 (Written in October 2008)Having tutored students privately since 1998, when I was a freshman at Harvard University (and full-time since 2002), I have seen many tutors come and go. Some tutors are very good at what they do, others not so good, and sometimes it's hard to tell exactly why this is so.Tutoring is a booming business, and every year more and more families hire private tutors. Tutoring allows naturally skilled teachers to hone their craft without having to earn a teaching certificate (w... Keep Reading |
SAT / ACT Percentiles and Score Comparison Chart (Updated for 2017-18)Posted 2021-07-11 Helpful Tools to compare your SAT and ACT scores. Keep Reading |
A Perfect Score on the New PSAT is a...1520?Posted 2021-07-11 The College Board had indicated that the new PSAT would be scored out of 1600 points, but it has recently reversed course and decided to make 1520 the highest score. It has also tinkered with the percentiles by scaling them upward, most likely in an effort to make the SAT a less intimidating test and to compete with the ACT, the College Board's rival exam. This is welcome news for those of you who are considering taking the new SAT! Keep Reading |
10 Helpful ACT Math Calculator Programs for the TI-83, TI-84, TI-84 Plus and TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Series of CalculatorsPosted 2024-09-27 Help yourself ace the ACT Math section with the aid of your Texas Instruments graphing calculator and some basic programming skills. Keep Reading |
The GRE PowerPrep II Scoring Algorithm, Demystified.Posted 2022-01-07 I did some research on the Powerprep 2 scoring algorithm by running a series of test simulations. Keep Reading |
GMAT Game Changer: Cancelled GMAT Scores No Longer Visible to Business SchoolsPosted 2021-07-11 Big news : GMAC, the maker of the GMAT, has announced that test-takers who cancel their scores after previewing them will no longer see the dreaded "C" on their score reports. Keep Reading |
Standard Deviation on the SAT and GRE: Do I have to know the formula?Posted 2024-09-12 You don't have to memorize the equation for standard deviation on the SAT and GRE, but understanding the elements of the equation will help you understand what "standard deviation" means. Keep Reading |
The New ACT Essay / Writing SectionPosted 2021-07-11 The New ACT Essay / Writing Test is here. Learn all about the new changes and read 2 sample essays that I authored. Keep Reading |