Logic Games Removed: the LSAT will be 2/3 Logical Reasoning as of August 2024, says LSAC.

October 18th, 2023:  Sayonara, LSAT Logic Games!

After a long, drawn-out, and ultimately successful lawsuit (filed under the Americans with Disabilites Act by Angelo Binno and Shelesha Taylor, two visually impaired test takers) that began way back in 2011, the Law School Admissions Council (LSAC) finally announced today that it will remove the controversial “Logic Games” aka Analytical Reasoning section of the LSAT—which has been a part of the exam since 1982—in time for the August 2024 test date.

An extra Logical Reasoning (LR) section will take its place, officially making the new LSAT 2/3 Logical Reasoning, and 1/3 Reading Comprehension.

First: it's about time!  Good riddance to bad rubbish. Though some of my students love LGs, I’ve always despised Logic Games as a matter of principle—and am relieved to see this bizarre question type, which in my opinion tests a certain set of skills that have zero correlation to the actual practice of law, officially kicked to the curb.

As a Harvard college student way back in 2001, I was able to eventually master the Logic Games section in order to score 99% on the LSAT. However, I’ve always not-so-secretly rooted for its demise.

In the words of Mick Jagger, you can’t always get what you want.  However, in this particular case, my wish was finally granted about 4 years ago, when Mr. Binno and his fellow plaintiff triumphed over LSAC and its powerful team of attorneys.

After losing the case, LSAC agreed to remove the Logic Games section from the LSAT by October of 2023, promising to test possible replacements for the Analytical Reasoning sections—which it apparently decided against, in favor of an extra Logical Reasoning section. 

That’s the last we heard about it from LSAC for a long time...until today, when the official announcement was made.  Now it's game over, LSAC!  (Sorry, couldn't help myself.) 

Meanwhile, it's been a long, strange journey for the underappreciated Logical Reasoning section—the section of the LSAT that I most enjoy.  For a long time, LR made up exactly 50% of your LSAT score (5 sections: 1 LG, 1 RC, 2 LR, and 1 experimental).  Then, for the last few years (LSAT Flex, digital LSAT), only 33% of the LSAT was Logical Reasoning (1 of 3 counted sections).

Starting in August of next year, however, LR will comprise a full 67% of the LSAT (2 of 3 counted sections)—and will thus be twice as important to your LSAT score! 

My advice for future LSAT test takers?  If you're strong at LG, then make sure to take the LSAT before August of next year.  If you're stronger at Logical Reasoning—or you simply want to avoid Logic Games together—then simply wait for the new, "gameless" LSAT to arrive.    

A little bit about me: I’ve tutored students in the LSAT since 2002, and I’ve earned a near-perfect 179/180 on the exam.  I can teach you how to earn a great LSAT score, too.

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