GMAT Official Quantitative Practice (formerly known as the GMAT Focus Quizzes): Is it worth it?

Wondering whether the GMAT Focus Quizzes (FQs)—now known as GMAT Official Quantitative Practice—which cost about 55 cents per question ($40 for 72 questions), are worth it?

Yes, the Focus Quizzes are worth it if you use them at the right time and wait until you are scoring highly enough on Quant--at least in the mid 40s.  The FQs are adaptive and come with (limited) diagnostics, including the time you spend on each question.
Although you can buy up to nine Focus Quizzes at a time, you will start seeing repeat questions if you purchase more than one. 

FQs are practically pointless if you aren’t at least scoring in the mid 40s on Quant already.  If you’re not there yet, then save the FQs for later.  They do, however, provide excellent last-minute Quant practice for those looking for a GMAT-like adaptive exam experience during the last few the weeks before exam day (aka G-Day). 

Somewhat frustratingly, FQs provide a score range instead of an actual score. 

Also frustratingly, there is some repeat between the FQs and other GMAC materials.



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