Hourly Rates & Discount Packages

I stand by my students' consistently excellent results, and after 20+ years in business, I'm highly confident in my expertise, efficiency, and unique abilities as an educator.  Thus, I am happy to earn your trust: you are never required to pay for more than one lesson at a time.  If, after the first lesson, you decide to purchase a discount package of hours, then I will gladly put the cost of the initial lesson toward the total price of the discount package.

All lessons (30, 60, or 90 minutes in duration) must be pre-paid.  I accept PayPal, Venmo, credit card (all major cards accepted, including Discover and American Express), Zelle, and personal check.
I also offer significant discounts for up-front packages.  For every 5 hours that you purchase in advance, you will receive 5% off the total cost, with the option to save up to 25%.  Pre-paid packages are not refundable, but any remaining hours may be gifted to a relative or friend.

Score guarantees, need-based scholarships, and additional discounts are available on a limited, case-by-case basis. Please contact me directly to hear more.


Package Pay as you go 5 hours 10 hours 15 hours 20 hours 25 hours
Hourly Rate $495 $475 $455 $425 $395 $365
Approximate Discount 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
Save $0 $100 $400 $1,050 $2,000 $3,250
Price $250 and up $2,375 $4,550 $6,375 $7,900 $9,125
  Pay Now Pay Now Pay Now Pay Now Pay Now Pay Now

Another way to save is to work in a Zoom group of 2 or more students, because this lowers the cost for each member of the group. The 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 percent up-front discounts listed above may also be applied to these group rates.

Group Size 2 3 4 5 6 or more
 Base Rate Per Student $250/hr $165/hr $125/hr $95/hr $85/hr  


30 minutes of Private Instruction - $250

  • Pay Now

    Initial 15-minute phone consultation: FREE

    Feel free to contact me anytime to tell me more about you or your student.  In addition, please remember that your initial 15-minute phone consultation with me is always free of charge.  Once I know more about your needs, I will work to find the test-prep, tutoring and/or college consulting solution that is right for you—even if that means recommending another program or individual.

    All lessons are now conducted remotely by Zoom with Whiteboard (no video feed required on your end).  Having tutored students from across the world via Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, etc. since the early 2000s, I am uniquely qualified to tutor you or your student online.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Brian R. McElroy
    email: mcelroytutoring@gmail.com / mcelroy@post.harvard.edu
    phone: 866-584-8886 (toll-free) / 619-889-2935 (call or text)

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